Hafele Learning

Häfele Sri Lanka has gradually yet steadily worked towards building a culture where ‘learning’ is institutionalized and seen as an opportunity for professional and personal growth. Backed by the encouragement and constant motivation of the Management, employees at Häfele take responsibility for their learning; every individual working at Häfele is obligated to have a basic understanding of the Häfele product portfolio while the sales and marketing personnel need to have in-depth and on-going product knowledge.

This responsibility is shared by the Häfele Training Department manned by a team of trainers and carpenters for each zone, a training coordinator, a team of content developers and a dedicated team handling e-learning and other online development tools. The department is instrumental in developing and honing the product knowledge of Häfele Employees through extensive training sessions conducted on regular basis.

Hafele Training Initiatives

Training Initiatives

The Häfele Sri Lanka training programmes are designed to meet basic, specific and intensive learning needs. 

Tarining Centres by Hafele

Training Centres

In order to best achieve our training objective of delivering quality trainings on the entire Häfele product range to all our employees, we have created simulated learning environments to conduct all our trainings 

Hafele India Training News

Training News

Latest news about Häfele trainings including monthly training schedules and upcoming trainings